
    Houliao Elementary School is located in Fangyuan Township of Changhua County which lies on the west coast of Taiwan. Our school is established in 1960. There are 88 students and the number of teaching staff is 15. The main occupations of the residents are blue collar laborers and farmers. Most of our students come from the families with limited financial and educational resources and less access to social and cultural capital. Yet our kids are always cute and enthusiastic about learning.  About 4 kilometer away from our school is Changhua County’s Fanyuan Wetlands walkway. The one kilometer walkway is around two meters in height above the intertidal zone, thus allowing tourists to observe the mang rove and wetland habitat without disturbing wildlife. Several bird species can be found in the wetland habitat, while receding tides reveal mudskippers, fiddler crabs, and hermit crabs. Tourists can visit Fangyuan Putian Temple, which has the most land of all temples in Taiwan, as well as experience the sea ox cart, a local way to travel around intertidal zones to harvest shellfish. We’ll share the local treasure nature and religion culture with you.

後寮國小位於彰化縣芳苑鄉是一所濱海的學校,創立於民國49年,目前有88位學生15位教職員,家長以務農及勞工為主,雖然大多數的學生來自經濟弱勢及文化不利家庭,但學生十分可愛也永保學習的熱情;距離學校4公里有芳苑濕地及海空步道,海空步道環繞著潮間帶,因此遊客可以在不打擾海洋生物的情況下觀察紅樹林和濕地棲息地。 濕地棲息地中可以找到多種鳥類,退潮時可以看到彈塗魚、招潮蟹和寄居蟹。 遊客可以參觀全台灣佔地最多的苑苑普天宮,也可以體驗海牛車,這是一種在地潮間帶採收牡蠣的方式, 我們將與您分享當地的寶藏自然和宗教文化。

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