
- 第一次遷校:自創校之後,鄰近鄉村子弟均來此就讀,學生日增,班級數資至五班,教室不夠使用,因此,於現在本鎮員林鎮農會一帶(員林街六十一番地),重建木造正式教室五間,於明治35年(1902年)5月21日遷校於該校址。
- 第二次遷校:大正12年(1923年)1月6日三年級以上學生先行遷入新校址(現在員林國宅)就讀。
- 第三次遷校:民國35年(1946年)9月15日,台中縣政府借用本校,故遷移至現在國立員林崇實高級工業職業學校校舍上課。
- 第四次遷校:民國39年(1950年)10月20日,台中縣政府遷移豐原,本校遷回原校址(現在員林國宅)上課。
- 第五次遷校:民國75年(1986年)3月20日新校舍啟用,校址為員林市三民東街221號(現址)。
- 學校課程願景 School Curriculum Vision
Our school’s vision is “Microscopic vision, vitality, security, and quality”. It aims to cultivate children to become high-quality students of the 21st century who are healthy and happy, loving, affirming themselves, and enterprising and innovative.
- 由本校願景出發,期望學生能健康快樂的成長,並設計課程培養出心中有愛的品格力、肯定自我的自信心、進取創新的創造力,我們相信員小的孩子在擁有一心二力之後,即使面對日新月異的科技社會也毫不畏懼,能夠順應萬變,勇往直前。
From the perspective of the school’s vision, we hope that our students can grow up healthily and happily. We also design courses to cultivate a loving character, self-confidence, and enterprising and innovative creativity. We believe that after the children of Yuanlin Elementary School have the above abilities, they will not be afraid even in the face of the ever-changing technological society, and will be able to adapt to changes and move forward courageously.
- 依學校課程願景擬定課程目標與發展重點
Formulate curriculum goals and development priorities based on the school curriculum vision
Our school’s curriculum vision is based on “macro, vitality, security, and quality” as its starting point. We hope to cultivate students’ character, creativity and self-confidence through our school’s revised curriculum. Therefore, reading courses, major issue courses, international education, environmental education, computer information education and AI technology education have been developed as key development courses. Here is an explanation of the above courses.
- 閱讀課程 Reading Courses
哈佛大學教授夏爾(Jeanne Chall)1983 年曾以六個階段描述兒童學習閱讀的歷程,這六個階段又可分成兩大部分,分別是:「學習如何讀」(learn to read),和「透過閱讀學習知識」(read to learn, learn from reading),我們相信,提高閱讀力更能提高學習力、品格力及自信心,因此本校將閱讀放入校訂課程,貫穿低、中、高年級,期望從員小畢業的孩子,能將閱讀力轉為學習競爭力,並從閱讀的教材中,培養學生的品格力與自信心,讓員小的孩子成為一位懂得尊重、感恩、有禮、同理等優良品德,並涵養人文藝術、美學知能;同時具備自我覺察的內省能力、正向積極的心態,成為謙恭有禮,待人著想的學生。
In 1983, Harvard University professor Jeanne Chall described the process of children learning to read in six stages. These six stages can be divided into two parts, namely "learn to read" and "read to learn, learn from reading". We believe that reading skills can improve learning ability, moral character, and self-confidence. Therefore, our school has included reading in the revised curriculum, which runs through the lower, middle and upper grades. It is hoped that children graduating from Yuanlin Elementary School will become a person who understands respect, gratitude, empathy and other good qualities, and cultivates humanities, arts, and aesthetic knowledge; at the same time, Have the ability of self-awareness and introspection, a positive attitude, and become a student who is courteous and considerate of others.
Our school won the honor of the Best Reading Promotion School in the 99 academic year, and then successively won the Reading Group Promoter Award and two individual Reading Promoter Awards. After not participating for many years, we participated again in 2011 and won the Reading Group Promoter Award. Congratulations!
- 國際教育課程international education Courses
In addition to learning about people and themselves, lower grade students should also expand their international horizons at the beginning of establishing children's values, put "me" in the "world", contact and understand cultures different from their own, learn attitudes of acceptance and respect, and cultivate Empathy and worldview, and cultivate students' abilities in inquiry, cross-cultural communication, etc. Therefore, with this "International Education" course, we hope to cultivate citizens with a global perspective.
Our school promotes international education courses in the lower grades. In addition to guiding students to learn languages of various countries and understand different customs, folk customs, geography, humanities, etiquette, agriculture, food, snacks, transportation, economy, history, etc., the course is conducted in a way that, in addition to traditional The teacher-speaking style focuses more on the interaction between teachers and students, using picture books, stories, student performances and other diverse methods.
In addition to formal courses, we have also applied for the English Day Project, setting up one day a week as English Day, on which the morning assembly will be held in English, and foreign teachers will be invited to share English proverbs, festival introductions, national culture, etc.; apply for ETA or ETF teachers to come to our school for collaborative teaching; organize English break-through activities to achieve educational fun; combine ICRT broadcasts during lunch time to cultivate students' English listening ability, and hold ICRT prize-winning answer activities every month to encourage students to read English articles; and through English picture books Teaching, improve students' English ability, use computers to query information about various countries, improve students' information skills, and cultivate students' worldview through understanding of current knowledge in various countries; we organize English summer camps in the summer to ensure that students' learning is not interrupted.
- 環境教育課程environmental education
進入了中年級,除了認識世界上文化的差異之外,面對地球的劇變,氣候的異常,學生應對生活環境有更多的認識及行動力,身體力行愛護我們所處的環境, 環境教育的知識內涵有:環境倫理、永續發展、氣候變遷、災害防救及能源資源永續發展,透過教師的說明、影片欣賞與討論、分組實作、討論等方式,課程從員林國小出發,先從觀察、了解自身生活環境開始,再擴及至台灣、甚至世界;期許學生了解並重視環境問題,為地球盡一份心力。
Entering middle grade, in addition to understanding the cultural differences in the world, in the face of drastic changes in the earth and climate abnormalities, students have more understanding and action ability to deal with the living environment, and take action to protect the environment we live in. Knowledge of environmental education The content includes: environmental ethics, sustainable development, climate change, disaster prevention and sustainable development of energy resources. Through teacher's explanation, video appreciation and discussion, group practice, discussion, etc., the course starts from Yuanlin Elementary School. Start by observing and understanding your own living environment, and then expand to Taiwan and even the world; students are expected to understand and pay attention to environmental issues and do their part for the earth.
- 電腦資訊教育與AI科技課程computer information education and AI technology education
In the senior grades, the students study computer information education and AI technology education courses. Today is an era of information explosion. It is urgent to learn information skills. The new knowledge and values learned from the lower and middle grades should be "know before you act" as you grow older. As we know, information power is the power of action. If the international perspective is cultivated in the lower grades, through the information literacy in the upper grades, students can collect information on their own and understand the world; the middle grade students understand the importance of the environment and the environmental threats they face today. , in the upper grades, you can use Internet information and technology to gain a deeper understanding of how to act; today's society is inseparable from 3C products, and information capabilities seem to be the basic capabilities of modern people.
We hope that through courses such as reading, international education, environmental education, computer information and AI technology, children can cultivate and make good use of their talents and become high-quality students of the new generation.