
本校位於埔心鄉義民村員鹿路之旁,在柳橋之西,東與員林,西與溪湖接壤,為埔心鄉人口密集精華之所在。 中山高速公路、台七十六號快速道路均與本校相距不遠,南來北往、東奔西馳,交通便利。
Pu-Xin elementary school is located on the side of Yuanlu Road in Puxin Township. It is in the east of Xihu and the west of Yuanlin. It is also the liveliest place of Puxin. Moreover, it is quite near the convenient transportation, such as Freeway No. 1 and Expressway No. 76.
Pu-Xin elementary school was established in 1925, and it was independent in 1930. At that time, its original name was Po-Xin Public School. The 1960s was the peak period, which meant Pu-Xin had more than two thousand students. After that, since the government actively developed Nine-Year Education, it was convenient for children to study in the neighborhood. Therefore, Tai-Ping and Ming-Sheng primary schools were independent sequentially.
Due to the fact that education links to the bloom of the country, we have carried out the policy: “Develop and Improvement of National Education.” Meanwhile, we have began to implement it enthusiastically.
1. 肇建安全、舒坦、無障礙的教育環境;型塑理性、和諧、富愛心的校園文化。
2. 涵育理想、豪氣與宏觀的學生器識;開發創意、正向具核心素養的學子潛能。
3. 墾拓學校、社區命運一體的教育模式;建構科技、人文生機聯結的教育新域。
4. 釋放智慧能量,做孩子生命的貴人;盡心終身學習,為社會進步領航。
5. 確立台灣主體性,催生民族新靈魂;放眼國際大趨勢,接軌人類新文明。
1. 「以創新、活力 、自信開發學習潛能,以合群、 惜緣、感恩的態度珍愛鄉土之美」,培育出的全人教育發展的新世紀自發、互動、共好優質學生。
2. 顯現專業成長、創新教學、團隊合作、愛心用心的專業優質教師。
3. 營造一個學生開心、教師用心、家長放心的學習型與社區化的優質學校。