
Huatan Junior High School (HTJH) in Changhua County has historically traditional learning atmosphere. In additional to the well-known honor of physical education, there are also fruitful achievements in vocational curriculum and arts and cultural courses. Under the trend of innovative and diversified teaching, the first “Artificial Intelligence over Internet of Things Education Center” in Taiwan has been built inside the school, dedicated to promoting technology education. In addition, the school also established the “Hua-yueh Library”, which occupies more than 3560 square feet, as a community-shared reading station. The library contains abundant volumes with inviting and attractive environment, facilitating the reading education promotion in the school. The sufficient construction, software and hardware facilities are the rich and solid resources of the school.
To cultivate gentle, diligent and thoughtful students in Huatan Junior High School.
- 在課程面,以教育趨勢發展厚實本位課程,涵育具有全球視野之人才
- 在教學面,以教育方向提供學生多元展能,體現終身學習的素養人生
- 在環境面,以充足學習空間與資源,涵蘊人文與科學兼備的宏偉氣度
- 在互動面,以緊密社群關係,落實參與決策,匯聚教育能量永續發展
- 閱讀為首(Reading is the value):型塑思考、奠定基礎,辦理各項閱讀推廣活動,開設閱讀課程,落實閱讀教育,因此榮獲111年度教育部閱讀磐石學校獎、閱讀推手個人獎、112年度教育部閱讀推手個人獎、團體獎。
- 品德為本(Morality is the foundation):待人接物、鍾愛自己,以九思品德融入各領域教學,培養學生日常禮儀、建立正確價值觀,品德教育推行有成,因此榮獲111年度正向管教人權法治公民教育實踐品德教育績優學校。
- 健康為錨(Health is the anchor):樂活人生、智慧學習,推動各項體育活動、課餘時間SH150運動,使學生擁有健全體魄。
- 科技為重(Technology is the emphasis):跨域創新、生活應用,發展AIoT智慧教學課程、多元豐富科學實驗探索教育,使學生自主探索、跨域學習。
- 雙語為鑰(Bilingualism is the key):人際互動、接軌國際,引進外籍駐校師資,實施雙語課室、雙語廣播,建置最國際化的雙語校園。
- 適性為彩(Adaptability is the color):多元展能、創造舞台,平日開辦15個動態與靜態社團,周末假日則有8種扎根培訓社團,並帶領學生至校外展現社團成果,使學生找到合適的舞台,在專屬的領域中發光發熱。
- 在地為根(Adaptability is the color):關懷鄉土、地方創生,開創結合在地文化之校本課程,使學生認識家鄉在地魚苗寮、磚窯產業、燈排文化、茉莉花產業,並引進花壇鄉農會、青農、耆老等資源,進行社區走讀,使學生紮根在地,放眼國際。
- 技職為藝(Technical vocation is the art):探索實作、體驗職場,長期推動金牌技藝教育,讓學生擁有一技之長,成為技藝達人。
TEL:04-7862043 FAX:04-7862044
No.580,Jangyuan Rd.Sec.2,Huatan,Changhua,Taiwan 50348,R.O.C